
The Scatterbrained Santa Claus

One of the best known Christmas songs for children in Japan is "Awatenbo no Santa Claus" ("The Scatterbrained Santa Claus"). I recorded Kaizen singing part of it. A free English translation (by me) of the meaning is below. (The song is full of fun onomatopoeia which I won't even try to translate...but the one of Santa hitting his head on the chimney on the way down is pretty funny!):

The Scatterbrained Santa Claus
Came to my house
And it wasn't Christmas yet!

The Scatterbrained Santa Claus
Tried peeking in my chimney
And then he tripped and fell in (and made his face all black)!

The Scatterbrained Santa Claus
Started to dance when he landed
Because what else would you do in that situation!

The Scatterbrained Santa Claus
Said sheepishly, "Well, I guess I'll be back!"
And then returned to where he came from!

The Scatterbrained Santa Claus
He sure is a funny old bearded man!